Toyota Material Handling actively positions environmental preservation as one of its top priority management issues, and continuously sets environmental goals, and creates plans to achieve them.
Toyota has continued improving the level of exhaust emissions from its engines. Our environmental activities are underpinned by its Environmental Action Plan and Environmental Management Systems.
The Toyota Industries Group will continue to set challenging targets aimed at further reducing the environmental impact of its business activities, listening carefully to voices of its stakeholders such as customers, and acting in compliance with the letter and spirit of laws and regulations.
The Toyota Industries Group will continuously improve its environmental management, placing environmental activities among its highest priorities. In particular, the company will give priority to the following items.
Curb global warming: Aiming to reduce energy consumption and the output of greenhouse gases through the entire lifecycle of its products, services, and production activities
Use resources more efficiently: Utilizing raw materials, water, and other resources efficiently while working to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste products
Reduce environmental risk factors: Reducing the use and output of harmful chemical substances of concern while evaluating environmental risk factors at the planning stage of business activity in order to prevent pollution
The Toyota Industries Group will aim to foster greater communication and teamwork within a wide range of partnerships, including those with customers and suppliers, in order to promote sustainable management of the environment. In addition, the Toyota Industries Group will act as an upstanding corporate citizen, taking an active part in the planning of activities that contribute to various regional communities as well as to our global society.
Furthermore, we are committed to comply with standards required by relevant environmental legislation and regulations.
Toyota's R&D division have made natural resource conservation and environmental protection corporate-wide commitments. By employing automobile technologies, cleaner and powerful engines for industrial equipment have been developed. In addition to lowering noise, exhaust emissions, vibration and fuel consumption, advanced filter and converter technology ensures cleaner emissions from diesel and gasoline engines.
Advanced filter and converter technology ensures cleaner emissions